PHYSICAL FITNESS: All cheerleaders should be in good physical condition to complete the required jumps and movements. It's strongly recommended that all cheerleaders submit a completed Physical Form during registration to participate in the program. Please email a copy to [email protected] with your child's name and grade.
BIRTH CERTIFICATES: Birth certificates are required for new cheerleaders. If your child registers for our program, a copy of their birth certificate must be submitted at registration. Please email a copy to [email protected] with your child's name and grade.
PARENT SUPPORT: The success of any youth program depends on the active support and participation of the parents/guardians. We encourage you to attend camp, practices, games, and special functions and to SUPPORT the cheerleading board, coaches, and all volunteers in a POSITIVE manner. Please understand that it is the coach’s prerogative to decide the placement and position of each girl on her squad. Please be prompt when picking up your child from a practice or game.
PRACTICE AND GAME ATTENDANCE: Attendance of practices is mandatory for each cheerleader. Please make sure your daughter will not have conflicts with other activities prior to registering her for Cheerleading at Dacula. Cheerleaders will not be allowed to arrive late or leave early from practices to attend other activities. It is the coach’s prerogative to have consequences for missed practices and tardiness. If you MUST miss a practice for a valid reason, it is up to the parent and child to find out what was missed. Please contact a squad representative to let them know you will not be in attendance. If you must miss a game for any reason, you must let the coach know well in advance of game day. Cheers and half-time routines must be adjusted to make up for the missing cheerleader and failure to notify the coach prior to game day is unfair to the coaches and other cheerleaders. Parents are responsible for knowing the important dates throughout the season. These dates are handed out at registration and are updated and posted on our website.
DRESS CODE: Appropriate attire is required of both cheerleaders, coaches, and other volunteers. Practice attire should be suitable for the weather as well as practice activities. Athletic shoes MUST be worn to avoid injury. NO JEWELRY OF ANY TYPE MAY BE WORN DURING PRACTICE OR GAMES. This includes earrings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, watches, body piercing or rings. PLEASE DO NOT HAVE YOUR CHILD’S EARS PIERCED WITHIN 8 WEEKS OF CAMP. Coaches WILL NOT be held responsible for jewelry. White athletic shoes are to be worn at games only until after the season is over.
FOOD, DRINKS, GUM: No food, drinks (other than water) and/or chewing gum is allowed on the basketball court. Please make sure your daughter has eaten prior to the start of practices/games. ALL CHEERLEADERS MUST HAVE A WATER BOTTLE WITH THEM AT EVERY CHEER FUNCTION!
RESTROOM BREAKS: Please make sure that your daughter visits the restroom prior to the start of practices and games.
GAMES: Game schedules are generated by the DAA Basketball Board. It is not unusual to receive the schedule just prior to the start of the season. Cheerleaders may cheer locally and at other locations within Gwinnett County. Cheerleaders should arrive no later than 60 minutes prior to each game. Please be aware that games do often run behind. Please remain at the game location for the entire length of the game. Basketball games do continue during rain, sleet, and cold weather. IF THE BASKETBALL TEAM IS PLAYING, THE CHEERLEADERS WILL BE CHEERING. Due to this please keep a jacket or poncho handy. DAA will advise if the games are cancelled. Cheerleaders are expected to cheer the entire game. We will allow water breaks. Parents are NOT allowed in the cheer line and girls are not allowed to leave the cheer line unless it is an emergency. There is no admission charge to games.
SPORTSMANSHIP: Cheerleaders and parents are expected to exercise good sportsmanship always. We WILL be courteous to all squads, opposing teams, coaches, officials, parents, and board members.
LEADERSHIP: Your child’s head coach is the acting leader for your team and their rules are to be respected and followed if they are within the DAA Guidelines and Code of Conducts. If there is an issue that cannot be resolved within your team leadership. Please contact your team liaison for further assistance.
MEDIA RELEASE: During the season, teams and squads will be involved in activities that require taking pictures and developing videos for public media (such as internet web design, video, interview and marketing publications). By consenting you hereby authorize for your child to be photographed, videotaped or interviewed for possible use in a DAA or other organization related video, web site or publication (including Facebook or Instagram). By your consent you also agree that use of a photograph or photographs does not constitute in any manner a waiver of Dacula Athletic Association's policies, programs or rules.
CODE OF CONDUCT: Dacula Athletic Association Cheerleading Code of Conduct
Visit WWW. DACULA.COM for important information and updates.